Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Access
Action Steps for Dismantling White Supremacy: AATE Meeting Notes from June 16, 2020
On Tuesday, June 16th, AATE hosted an organization-wide community conversation following separate dialogues for BIPOC membership and White membership. In bringing together all members, it is the aim to deconstruct practices that reinforce white supremacy and white privilege in order to foster a more equitable, inclusive, accessible and diverse environment. Below are notes from that evening, including action steps proposed in small breakouts groups.
Upon the evening’s end, each person identified an “accountability partner” - another member present who would be aware of the actions each were committing to take within a month’s time to create visible change in one’s practices, personal and/or professional. A check-in for all has been established for July 16, 2020. The notes document many of the thoughts and suggested tactics. We encourage any and all to review these notes, even if not present at that meeting, as it will take the efforts of all to achieve this cultural and systemic shift towards justice and equity.
Diversity Statement
AATE believes in equity, justice, and inclusion for all. We believe our work is stronger by the many voices, perspectives, and experiences we bring to the organization and the field. We actively welcome and include all people regardless of race, socioeconomic class, color, national origin, religion, diverse perspectives, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, neurological or physical ability, veteran status, legal status, or education level.
AATE Programming: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, & Access Packet
AATE has developed a packet to help guide one of our core values of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Access (EDIA) in our programming. National programs such as (National Conference and Symposium) will utilize it in their planning. Theatre in Our Schools (TIOS) Events, Conferences, and Celebrations will utilize it to the best of their ability and will be in touch with the office if there are any questions or concerns.
AATE EDIA National Resources
AATE's EDIA Committee has compiled a list of EDIA Resources. You can locate Organizations and Individual Practitioners, Written Resources, Visual Resources, and Playwrights. This is a living document if you note anything missing that we should be including, please reach out to Alexis Truitt, Managing Director at [email protected].