25 Ways to Celebrate TIOS

To download the Theatre in our Schools "Take Action" poster, please go here.


1. Have a resolution passed by your legislature, county government and/or mayor.

2. Adopt a Kid for the Theatre: Take a "little brother or sister” to see a theatre performance.

3. Get a group of kids together in your area and take them to the theatre (theatres off discounts to groups!)

4. Collect and distribute quotes and facts about the importance of theatre in the lives of young people. Take it to your local policymaker.

5. Encourage students to play USA Play Daze, a program on Facebook that teaches writing and geography.

6. Open theatre classes or regular rehearsals to your school’s students for a day.

7. Help a student make a video about theatre to submit to AATE’s online video contest. Cool prizes!

8. Coordinate a children’s theatre or storytelling event with local libraries.

9. Order TIOS buttons to distribute in your classroom, theatre, workplace, and/or community.

10. Encourage teachers in every department to involve theatre in their lesson plans.

11. Work with a visual artist to design posters, banners, and buttons featuring the TIOSM logo.

12. "Wear Your Show Shirt Day” is March 7, 2014! Do it!

13. Invite a theatre professional to speak or give a demonstration at your school.

14. Post daily or weekly theatre trivia in your classroom, school, or business.

15. Host a networking reception, lesson plan exchange, or theatre games exchange for local theatre artists and educators.

16. Write to your local school board about the importance of theatre programs in schools.

17. Tour a performance to elementary schools, retirement communities, and community centers.

18. Contact your local media to highlight Theatre In Our Schools Month.

19. Ask local businesses to put up Celebrate Theatre In Our Schools posters.

20. Take a child to see a show, encourage them to write a review. Submit the review to [email protected].

21. Host a student playwrighting contest and present a staged reading of the winning play. Ask local businesses to donate prizes.

22. Ask theatre alumni to return to class as guest speakers.

23. Exchange performances with another school in your town.

24. Write an article for your school’s newspaper to highlight theatre in your school or community.

25. Attend a Theatre In Our Schools Regional Mini-Conference.